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We are a non-denominational congregation rooted in the mission the Restoration Movement began by being christians only and only modeling the examples given to us in scripture by God Himself. We are dedicated to transforming lifes with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Princeton Christian Church makes no claim to be different from other true Bible churches;
in fact, our goal is unity, not division.
Christianity has suffered from the divisions among Christian people. We do not want to be different , what we want is for Jesus' prayer to become reality: "That they may all be one, even as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us" (John 17:21).
The non-denomination movement began on the American landscape when groups of Christians parted from denominationalism attempting to follow the Bible alone, instead of human creeds. Over the years, many have realized that they want to be Christians without the possible complications of denominationalism,
by effectively breaking down unnecessary walls among Christians.
Over the years, many man-made rules, regulations, doctrines, and practices developed in many churches and we strive to use the Bible as our resource guide to doing church.
At PCC we:
*Preach Jesus Christ
*Baptize by immersion
*Observe Communion every Sunday
*Call our leaders Elders and Deacons
Like the earliest churches, our church is independent. We have no church hierarchy, no headquarters in another city that determines policy. We elect elders, call and support our evanglists, decide where our resources will be dedicated, and in every way rely on God to determine the direction and vision of this local Church.
About us
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