James 5:7-8 NIV – “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.
In a few short weeks we will begin to see the farmer in the fields picking corn, combining beans, harvesting the fruits of his hard labor. The work he began much earlier in the year has now produced.
The farmer, it seems to me, must be a man of faith, and one who possess a great deal of confidence in his work. He spends much of the winter months preparing for the planting in the spring. The land must be prepared, equipment maintained and ready for service, planning for what crop will be planted in which field.
When all is ready he watches. He studies the weather patterns and waits for the just right time to begin preparing the soil and for planting. Planting begins and is eventually completed.
And then he waits again. All the while, he is watching the growing crop, patiently, and most likely, prayerfully, anticipating favorable weather and perfectly spaced rainfalls which will produce an abundant crop.
James recognizes these things about the farmer, but he also recognizes that those who live in Christ experience much of the same preparation, anticipation and waiting that the faithful farmer does. He works. He waits. He exercises patience. He depends upon the provisions of the Lord.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we know He is coming again. We know His harvest is in our future. We must learn to do all that we do knowing we are dependent upon His provisions. We must exercise patience.
Although the farmer may face discouragement if a crop does not meet his expectation, the next spring he will be in the field, continuing to fulfill his purpose. Followers of Jesus Christ, also meet with disappointment and trials. His Word teaches us to stand firm, to continue to serve our Lord, fully knowing that His return is very near.
James 5:7-8 NIV – “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming.
----- Gary K. Fair rev.091520
